Events Archive
Title: Magnetic Reconnection in the Transition Region of Collisionless Shockwaves
Dr. Imogen Gingell, School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Southampton
Observations by Magnetospheric Multiscale have demonstrated that magnetic reconnection occurs at Earth's bow shock, typically at thin current sheets…
Title: Tayler Instability Revisited
Dr. Valentin Skoutnev, Department of Physics, Columbia University
Tayler instability of toroidal magnetic fields is broadly invoked as the main trigger for turbulence and angular momentum transport in stellar radiative zones. I will discuss a recent systematic revision of the…
Title: The Trans-Heliospheric Survey: Radial Trends in Plasma Parameters Across the Heliosphere
Prof. Bennett Maruca, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Delaware
Though the solar wind is characterized by spatial and temporal variability across a wide range of scales, long-term averages of in-situ…
Title: Unravelling the Workings of the Compressible Turbulent Dynamo [Video]
Dr. James Beattie, Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, & The Canadian Institute of…
Title: Connecting Signatures of Turbulent Dissipation and Cyclotron Resonant Interactions: Progress Towards Understanding Collisionless Heating
Dr. Trevor Bowen, Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley
This talk will provide an overview of recent progress in understanding heating of the inner heliosphere via…
Title: Firehose Instabilities in Fluid Simulations of Solar and Astrophysical Plasmas [Video]
Jada Walters, Lunar & Planetary Laboratry, The University of Arizona
Pressure anisotropy is…
Title: Space Phyiscs-Astrophyiscs Connection: Comparative Magnetospheres [Video]
Prof. Maxim Lyutikov, Department of Phyiscs and Astronomy, Purdue University
Many astrophysical sources have…
Looking at Plasma Turbulence Through a Microscope: Peering into the Smallest Scales of the Turbulent Cascade with Magnetospheric Multiscale and Beyond [Video]
Dr. Julia Stawarz, Northumbria University…
Regimes of Stratified Turbulence at Low Prandtl Number [Video]
Prof. Pascale Garaud, UC Santa Cruz
Stellar fluids have a low Prandtl number, which distinguishes them from geophysical fluids by…
Turbulence and Heating in Collisionless Plasma: Insights from the Earth's Magnetosheath [Video]
Davide Manzini, École Polytechnique
One of the central questions in astrophysical plasmas revolves…