The mission of the Princeton Center for Heliophysics is to facilitate and carry out research programs at the Department of Astrophysical Sciences and the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory in the study of heliospheric physics. Specifically, the center:
- Provides an intellectual home for faculty, staff and students engaged in scientific research throughout the heliosphere including ionospheric, magnetospheric, solar, and interplanetary plasmas
- Facilitates development of theoretical tools for understanding fundamental physical processes such as reconnection, turbulence, waves, and transport that control the dynamics in the context of the heliosphere
- Fosters collaborations within the heliospheric community by hosting long-term visitors and organizing scientific meetings
- Provides a forum to facilitate cross-fertilization between laboratory plasma physics, astrophysics, and heliospheric science
- Promotes fundamental advances in understanding the heliosphere to students, educators, and the public
Astroplasmas/Heliophysics Joint Meeting
Nov. 14, 2018
Starting from December 2016, joint meetings of the AstroPlasmas seminar group and the Princeton Center for Heliophysics are held once a month. These are joint meetings between those interested in astrophysical and space plasmas at both the lab and the university, in order to facilitate communication and find common ground for collaboration.
Seminars & Events
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